In our lungs are tiny hairs called cilia and when you smoke it paralyzes these hairs. about 72 hours after a person quits smoking the cilia regain normal function pushing up and moving all the phlegm. It is copeemtlly normal and will go away after a while. The sneezing works the same way, it is a reaction to gaining normal function of your lungs.
Bewertungen (4)
Avari 08. Feb 2017 um 17:09
It was dark when I woke. This is a ray of susnihne.
Trevon 05. Feb 2017 um 6:42
You have shed a ray of sushnine into the forum. Thanks!
Vyolet 05. Feb 2017 um 2:37
In our lungs are tiny hairs called cilia and when you smoke it paralyzes these hairs. about 72 hours after a person quits smoking the cilia regain normal function pushing up and moving all the phlegm. It is copeemtlly normal and will go away after a while. The sneezing works the same way, it is a reaction to gaining normal function of your lungs.
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