. She will always be with you..xxpS I echo Miss Pink's words... About finding Tony for a good telling off... Now here's my 2c lovely..ask for some extra time for things that may be ouisatndtng. You are headed towards THAT time of year... & Chop's off to school.. Take what you need to do to stay well. That's it! Love you Denyse xx
Bewertungen (5)
Neveah 06. Feb 2017 um 23:35
Ab fab my golody man.
Sukey 05. Feb 2017 um 6:35
That's an inneigous way of thinking about it.
Gabby 04. Feb 2017 um 10:02
. She will always be with you..xxpS I echo Miss Pink's words... About finding Tony for a good telling off... Now here's my 2c lovely..ask for some extra time for things that may be ouisatndtng. You are headed towards THAT time of year... & Chop's off to school.. Take what you need to do to stay well. That's it! Love you Denyse xx
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