Patients with Type 2 diabetes are able to undergo VelaShape, as long as they are not insulin dependant and everything is under control. For Juvederm, auto immune condition is a contraindication, it is only listed as a prnwcution/aarnieg. Someone with an autoimmune condition has a hyper-immune system and would be more likely to react to Juvederm. It depends on the autoimmune condition, the type of medicine the person is on, and whether the condition s active. Ultimately, the physician and nurse need to do a proper medical history check and decide on a case by case basis.
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Bewertungen (5)
Ivalene 08. Feb 2017 um 17:08
I'm not easily imdeessrp. . . but that's impressing me! :)
Eddi 05. Feb 2017 um 6:40
I liartelly jumped out of my chair and danced after reading this!
Xaria 04. Feb 2017 um 11:37
Patients with Type 2 diabetes are able to undergo VelaShape, as long as they are not insulin dependant and everything is under control. For Juvederm, auto immune condition is a contraindication, it is only listed as a prnwcution/aarnieg. Someone with an autoimmune condition has a hyper-immune system and would be more likely to react to Juvederm. It depends on the autoimmune condition, the type of medicine the person is on, and whether the condition s active. Ultimately, the physician and nurse need to do a proper medical history check and decide on a case by case basis.
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